We The People Opportunity Farm

We The People Opportunity Farm

Feeding the body, soil and mind is a great privilege for We the People Opportunity Farm.

Whether you have come alongside us financially, physically, in spirit, or all the above, we value your engagement in this important work and look forward to sustaining this vital mission together.
Our Mission

Our mission is to break the cycle of incarceration in Washtenaw County.

Our Values


Radically Inclusive: Including everyone, especially accepting and accommodating people who have historically been excluded (due to their race, gender, sexuality, or ability). We honor different identities, ideas, and experiences and invite everyone into the pursuit of our mission.

Intentionally Collaborative: We cannot meet our mission without you. We invite you into our work. We value the power of collective thinking and impact, even when it is challenging.

Courageously Disruptive: In all that we do we will stretch ourselves and those we work alongside to challenge the Prison Industrial Complex.

Rooted in Justice: We work vigorously for freedom and justice for formerly incarcerated Black, Indigenous, Latinx, People of Color, and, by extension, all incarcerated people.

Committed to Growth: We will steward all our resources with integrity, love, and respect for the earth. This, in turn, fuels our belief that all living things when nurtured in good soil, given sun, and water will flourish.

Changing the soil in our lives one seed at a time.

Join Us.